JIM MEISINGER (left) 23, 5'11,170lbs, and Dennis Shreefer 19, 510.5 172 lbs. Both fellows are from Nebraska, Jim from Omaha and Dennis from Grand Island. Each works out at American Health, Jim at a San Francisco branch while Dennis at the wood gym.

This is AMG photo XV? AO.


3 catalogs of Jim and Dennis 45 cents. Hundreds of other duals in catalog XV13. (Send $5.50 for purchase or ask about renting catalog.).

John Tristram 25 5'7 168 lbs and Forrest D'Orlac 28 of Los Angeles enact a Cowboy and Indian theme. In earlier shots Forrest dressed as the Indian has captured John the whiteman, and has tied him to the stake, but before he knows what has happened, he found that the whiteman had overpowered him, removed his head-dress and has him to the stake. Not a movie shot--but does it suggest a plot to you? Please give us ideas.

DYNAMIC DIETING. A medical authority pointed out recently that a cancer victim has a greater chance of complete recovery than does an obese person. Almost every fat person attempts a diet at one time of another, but most are doomed to failure at the beginning. While a doctor's advice may be a wise precaution, it is no substitute for personal will. Results gained from following a precisely prescribed diet, measuring evevery calorie (and cheating at every opportunity) can at best only produce temporary results.

If a person has 25 or more pounds to take off, he must approach his problem with a dynamic attitude. First he should thoroughly understand food. He should read a number of books about nutrition. A piece of cake and a piece of steak may each have several hundred calories but the first will only produce more fat while the latter provides valuable protein and will actually help him to reduce. During a dynamic dieting program the only food which should be eaten is sound healthful body-building fruits, vegetables, mears etc. Refined deserts should be completedy. ruled out. Allowing oneself just a little indiscretion can be the beginning of the end of dieting-one binge meal invariably leads to another. One of the greatest problems the dieter faces is irritability when he gets hungry--this problem is particularly acute during the first 3 or 4 days of a dynamic diet. It is most important that during this early period the dieter is not subjected to emotional strains. He should paper himself as much as possible in every way, except he may not nibble on anything to eat, or drink anything that has calories (beyond the normal count he has allotted himself). He should keep as busy as possible, provide many pleasant entertainments for himself, do new and interesting things. Vacation time is an excellent time to begin a diet--if one is seeing new places, meeting new people he is less likely to think about food. If he cannot prepare his food at home, the dieter had best eat at cafeterias where a careful selection can be made. The (continued next page)

This is AMG photo 21-S.

8 pages of duals of these extraordinary models $1. (As for catalog XZ13) From these 4x5 or 8x10 selections can be made and they will be custom made for you. AMG 1834 West 11th street Los Angeles 6, Californio

(continuation of DYMANIC DIETING) elegant fat person who insists on being served probably wont be successful at dieting anyway. Outside a laboratory, it is quite impossible to measure calories completely accurately, and actually it is of no real importance. If the dieter eats average portions of the non-fat foods, rejects all the starches, pastries etc. he will rapidly gain his objective. He can be unconcerned about the modest amount of cooking fats and oils used in the preparation of food when modest portions are eaten. However if these cooking fats are elminated there are certain foods which can be eaten in huge quantities without producing fat--in fact they burn up colories in their digestion. These include rough fibrous vegetables such as string beans, cauliflower, cabbage etc. However, the question arises as to whether it is wise to continually stretch the stomach even with non-fat foods, because after a little training of eating modest sized meals of non-fattening foods, the stomach no longer feels the necessity of being stretched out of bounds, it it is much easier to keep one's ultimate objective weight in check even with the quite ordinary foods as they are normally prepared--even including spaghetti, potatoes, pastries etc.

The author found it practical while dynamic dieting (to lose 35 lbs of weight) to substitute exercise for excess food--whenever he felt the urge to eat foolishly, he forced himself to indulge in physical activity instead--this momentarily took the mind off food and helped burn up a few extra calories besides. There is also a great comfort in knowing that when the hunger pangs are strongest is when the weight is beginning to flow off the body. When one feels the irresistable urge to eat forbidden food and knows he will faint without it, he should go before a mirror, relax his abdominal muscles and while admiring his little pot gut, should then eat the food he believes is so necessary.

Relying on steambaths, massages etc., is a lazy non-dynamic way to take off weight and has no lasting value. Pills may do more harm than the extra weight. A person too weak to attack the problem of excess weight dynamically, may also be weak and flabby in other facets of his personality. The dynamic program to bring lasting weight reduction may also have many other valuable side effects on the entire personality
